30 January 2013

Claire wants to sleep.

Holaaaaa, ¡buenas noches! Este un post hiper-super-ultra rapidisisisisisisisisisisisisisísimo porque ya iba siendo de actualizar mi blog, sin embargo por culpa de exámenes, deberes, más exámenes, más deberes, y más y más y más mi tiempo para el blog, y en general para mi vida, es nulo, compadeceos de la pobre Claire. El caso es que pasaba para enseñaros mi outfit de hoy: un look muy simple y cómodo para ir al instituto (por suerte hoy no hacía mucho frío y no he tenido que ir con cien chaquetas y jerséis como el muñequito de Michelin). Se trata de unos skinny rojos, un jersey gris crop-top, una cazadora negra y, todo ello, complementado con unos oxfords negros clásicos y con mi super precioso gorrito de lana (parte de uno de los regalos que mi amiga Lola me envió por mi cumple), bueno más la mochila y mi archivador forrado de papel de bigotes. Espero que os guste, y con esto me despido porque tengo que continuar estudiando (oh yeah! party study)

Hellooooooo, good night! This a super very very very very quick post because I had to update my blog, but because of exams, homework, more tests, more homework, and more and more and more... time for my blog, and in general for my life, is null (I know, I know.. poor Claire!). Anyway, I was going to show you my outfit of the day, it’s a very simple and comfortable look to go to school (fortunately not very cold today and I didn’t had to go with a hundred jackets and sweaters) it’s a red skinny pants, a grey crop-sweater, a black jacket, wearing my classic black oxfords with my super lovely wool knitted hat (it is part of one of the gifts that my friend Lola sent me for my birthday), ah! And don’t forget the backpack (so heavy! it is full of books and it hurts my back) and my moustache filing cainet. Hope you like, and that’s all, I must say goodbye because I have to continue studying (oh yeah! party study)  

 Bye bye lovelies <3

12 January 2013

Liebster award.

Aviso: Este post será sólo en Inglés porque las preguntas y todo en  general estaban en inglés y blablabla.
Notice: this post is going to be just in English because this blog award is in English and blablabla.

Hey ya! Two of my favourite bloggers, Selina and Greta, have nominated me for this blog award, btw, you must check out their blogs because they’re absolutely great (CHECK THEM OUT RIGHT NOW). Ok, the truth is that I should answer 22 questions, but I’m going to combine the questions because I have to study a lot and I haven’t got time to answer all of them... I’m sorry, so, I have mixed them up and now I have 11 questions!.

  • The award is for bloggers with less than 200 followers
  • The nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them
  • If you are nominated write 11 random facts about yourself and answer the 11 questions written by the blogger who nominated you
  • Make up 11 new questions to be answered and nominate 11 other bloggers!

First at all, 11 facts about me.
1. I need photography to live. 
2. I play the cello... and the ukulele.
3. Max (from Where the Wild things are) is my super sajhdauyjhdatydujhasdasyujh love.
4. I love tea, I need tea. I’m a compulsive tea-drinker.
5. I should be living in Liverpool, in the 50’s.
6. Right now, I’m exploting bubbles (from a bubble plastic).
7. I’m afraid (very afraid) of mirrors in the darkness.
8. My sister is the most important (and beautiful) person in the Universe, and the 8 is her favourite number so, so, so, nothing.
9. I would like to meet Van Gogh and say to him: "ginger, you’re the best".
10. I like rainy days, I like sunny days, and I like bed days. I like Edinburgh days.
11. "What you have here is a dreamer, someone in completely out of touch with reality."

1. Who is your favorite movie character?
Aaaaaaw I don’t know, Max (where the wild things are), Hit girl (Kick-ass), Amélie Poulain, Paul McCartney (Nowhere Boy), Ariel (The Little mermaid), etc A BIG ETC.
2. What magic power would you want if you could have one?
Ummmm.. I guess… TO FLY! Yep, to fly is the best-power.
3. Who/what is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? 
I have seen a lot of beautiful things and I have met a lot of beautiful people. I'll never choose only one. La vita è bella and, even in the most silly and little thing, we can find the beauty.
4. If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would you be? 
Amelia Pond, or a Hogwarts’ student.
5. Alone or in company? 
I like company, and with company I especially mean with my stuffed elephant Trompy, but I also feel so good when I’m alone, I think it’s necessary, at least to me.
6. What was your last dream –that you can remember- about? 
Ummmm.. It wasn’t my last dream, and really I can’t remember it very well. I was about Alessia, one of my best friends (she’s my Italian soulmate). We were together, I don’t know where, when and what we were doing, but we were together and that’s the point, because I miss her so much.
7. Where do you want to travel to? 
Right now, I need to come back to Edinburgh and to Italy. And about new places I would like to visit… oh my cat, there are a lot of places! I’ll try to just say one, ummmmmmm...  Jamaica.
8. What is the best advice you have ever been given? 
“Take it easy” (simple but effective) and “Shopping makes things go better” (I like this one so much), and finally “Smile, Claire.”
9. Favourite place to be when you’re sad? 
First, on my bed, second, on my bed, then walking alone on the street, then, on my couch wrapped in a blanket and yum yum wherever I can drink a cup of tea.
10. Prettiest word?
Nebulosa (“nebula” in English)
11. Best magazine? 
Of course, Company, but I can’t buy it in Spain ):

My 11 questions.

1. Maybe you like a lot of types of music, but, which type of music make you dance and sing and jump when you’re alone?
2. Favourite food (apart from your Grandma’s food yum yum)?
3. A word you use a lot?
4. Shoes, socks, shirts, skirts… Have you got any weakness as a good Shopaholic?
5. Where would you like to stay right now?
6. Which one is your favourite part of your body? (I KNOW YOU HAVE ONE, DON’T LIE ME)
7. Do you identify yourself with some magic being?
8. Chocolate ice-cream, strawberry ice-cream, banana ice-cream, Claire ice-cream, straciattella ice-scream, horse ice-cream, yoghurt ice-cream, what flavour do you prefer?
9. Do you like puppets?
10. Any stuffed toy so important to you that is more than a simple thing... and that you love more than anything?
11. Will you marry me? Ok, I’ll shut up. Will you marry some fictional character?  Which one?

My nominations ( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW so sorry, but  It's impossible to find eleven persons who hasn't made the award yet, and who has less than 200 followers, so, I just put some blogs) 
Lost in a fairytale  Sorry, I don't know your name ): 
Mandarina (jijijijiji)

06 January 2013

¡Ya vienen los Reyes Magos, ya vienen los Reyes Magos!

¡Hola a todos! Feliz día de los Reyes Magos, os escribo desde mi sofá enrollada en una manta y viendo Harry Potter y la Cámara de los Secretos que como de costumbre todas las Navidades la ponen en la tele.  Espero que los Reyes se hayan portado muy muy bien con vosotros, yo la verdad, es que no me puedo quejar, me han traído unos regalos hipermega bonitos, entre ellos, un cárdigan vintage, un señala libros de un pajarito, una vela en forma de pastel, un bol con ovejitas, una comba de mariquitas, una crema corporal de Sephora, y… ¡UNA POLAROID! Bueno, no es de la marca Polaroid antigua, pero es una cámara de fotos instantáneas, llevaba desde que era pequeña queriendo una, siempre me ha fascinado como puede salir la foto directamente de la cámara, es magia, y además la calidad de imagen parece de otra época y es como si viajases en el tiempo, y buaf, es genial. Además, el pasado 4 de enero fue mi cumpleaños (que todavía no estoy recuperada de una noche sin dormir y de party hard) y me regalaron un pijama muy bonito, un disco genial de canciones de Soul/Jazz, un peluche de una sirena para hacerlo yo misma, el nuevo libro de J.K.Rowling, un masajeador cabezudo (buaf, que gusto da), etc. etc. Vamos que no me quejo  de nada de los regalos, AISH QUE BONITA ES MI POLAROID. Ya mañana es el último día de vacaciones, y yo que estoy malilla voy a disfrutarlo en el sofá viendo películas, leyendo y disfrutando mis regalos.  
Hey ya all! Happy Three Wise Men’s day, I am writing from my couch wrapped in a blanket and watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (usually, every Christmas they put it on TV). I hope that the Wise Men have behaved very well with you, they have been very good with me, they have brought me a lot of beautiful presents, including a vintage cardigan, a cupcake candle, a bowl of sheep drawing, a camber of ladybugs, a Sephora body lotion, and ... a polaroid! Well, not old Polaroid brand but is a instant shot camera, I wanted one since I was very little, it has always fascinated me as a photo can go directly from the camera, it's magic, and it seems image quality from another time and it's like a time-travel, and omg, is great. Moreover, last  4th January it  was my 17th birthday (I'm still not get over from a sleepless night and party hard) and I got a very nice pajamas, a great record songs from Soul / Jazz, a stuffed animal of a mermaid to do it yourself, the new book by JK Rowling, etc etc. I love too much all my presents, omg how beautiful is my POLAROID. Tomorrow is the last day of holidays, and I'm going to enjoy on the couch watching movies, reading and enjoying my gift, because I’m ill and I just want to drink tea.

AH! Y no olvido este precioso colgante de un carruaje, y desearos ¡feliz año nuevo! . Hasta luego :)
Ah! And don't forget this lovely carriage necklace, and wish you a happy new year!. See you :) 
