25 July 2012

Striped shorts in Edinburgh street.

Hi everyone! 
I know that I haven't posted anything since two months ago, but I have stay in Edinburgh studying and before I was finishing my exams here, in Spain. Anyway, today, I'm going to talk about the outfit that I wear my first in Edinburgh. It's simple and comfortable and I really love it. 
First, the shorts are from "Top-shop" (I bought it in London, because the first and second day of the trip we spent in London), those shorts are perfect, with black and white stripes and with high-wasted. Second, I'm wearing a  white shirt sleeveless. And finally, a blue oversize (and "crop-top at the same time) jumper. Ah! And I can't forget my Oxfords (with pink socks) and my Bowler Hat<3

If you like this look you can hype it in my lookbook here: http://lookbook.nu/look/3792183-Striped-shorts-in-Edinburgh-street